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Motivation Ethics

This is a book about a particular moral theory – motivation ethics – and why we should accept it. But it is also a book about moral theorizing, about how we might compare different structures of moral theory.

In principle we might morally evaluate a range of objects: we might, for example, evaluate what people do – is some action right, wrong, permitted, forbidden, a duty or beyond what is required? Or we might evaluate agents: what is it to be morally heroic, or morally depraved, or highly moral? And, we could evaluate institutions: which ones are just, or morally better, or legitimate?

Most theories focus on one (or two) of these and offer arguments against rivals. What this book does is to step back and ask a different question: of the theories that evaluate one object, are they compatible with an acceptable account of the evaluation of the other objects?

So, for instance, if a moral theory tells us which actions are right and wrong, well can it then be compatible with a theory of what it is to be a morally good or bad or heroic or depraved agent (or deny the need for this)? It seems that this would be an easy task, but the book sets out how this is very difficult for some of our most prominent theories, why this is so, and why a theory based on motivations might be the right answer.

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Motivation Pocketbook

Understanding the concept of motivation is an invaluable management tool for helping individuals at all levels of employment produce their best work. This book integrates and synthesizes the complex subject of motivation into a compact, concise and very readable form. The pocketbook examines the many different theories of motivation, drawing out the key points and offering management tips for each one. A useful problem-identifier points the way to the best theories to use in particular situations. For example, when people complain a lot the author recommends the ‘ERG Theory’, and when they lack direction he puts forward the ‘Goal Theory’. There is also a review of the different character and personality types and what they are most likely to find motivational. In conclusion, the book lists nine basic rules of motivation, ten ways in which to keep yourself motivated and 100 ways in which to say ‘well done’. To coin one of these expressions, ‘sheer class’ Max.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Motivation and Agency

What place does motivation have in the lives of intelligent agents? Mele’s answer is sensitive to the concerns of philosophers of mind and moral philosophers and informed by empirical work. He offers a distinctive, comprehensive, attractive view of human agency. This book stands boldly at the intersection of philosophy of mind, moral philosophy, and metaphysics.

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Motivation and the Professional African American Woman

Statement of Problem The research addressed the gap in lack of understanding regarding what motivates African American women to become corporate leaders. Catalyst, a nonprofit organization that provides research pertaining to women in corporations, published a 2003 report that suggested African American women are under represented in leadership positions within American corporations. There is a lack of understanding about why some African American women are able to obtain leadership positions and others are not. According to that report, African American women make up 13.4 percent of the United States workforce and 5.1 percent of management, professional, and related occupations. In 2001, African American women held 1.6 percent of corporate officer positions within 429 organizations (Catalyst Report). An assumption is made within motivation theories that motivation is standardized behavior without racial or gender barriers. Initiatives to promote minorities, which include every race and gender, with the exception of the Caucasian male, tend to silence the barriers, trials, and discrimination that affect African American women. Despite the increased number of educated African American women in the workplace, the number of African American women in leadership roles continues to remain between 1 percent and 2 percent. In 2001, (National Center for Education Statistics, 2002) African American women earned 73,204 or 5.9 percent of the total bachelors’ degrees in the United States.

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Roger Waite found his dream woman while attending college at Washington State University. After a whirlwind romance he and Mary Johnson wed and begin life together, only to have her emotional sanity unravel because of a history of abuse and attempted suicide. When children are born and pressures assail her, she descends into a manic depressive anxiety-riddled existence confounding Roger’s plans for the ideal family he seeks. Realizing Mary’s sister, Victoria, has been a stabilizing influence for her as they grew up in Seattle, he enlists the young teenager’s assistance to keep his wife from committing suicide again. As the adolescent develops into a virtual twin of her older sister, which reminds Roger of the woman he met in college, forbidden feelings emerge. Victoria harbors desires to meet a person like her brother-in-law who can instill in her the changes she observed in her sister after meeting Roger. She cultivates an emotional attraction to him which she contrives to consummate as her first physical experience with a man. Can Roger and Mary save their romance or will he succumb to the allure of a young resolute teenage twin?

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Don’t Give Up: 10 Inspirational Thoughts and 10 Motivational Stories

Become inspired by the thoughts and stories in this book, so you won’t give up so easily!

There are wonderful motivational thoughts and inspiring stories in this audiobook. The thoughts are statements that can help you move forward, despite challenges and mistakes. The stories and quotes are about historical or successful figures who accomplished what they wanted because they didn’t let failure stand in their way. Every story shows you something you can learn. You’ll be able to:

See the purpose of failure Turn failure into success Have inspirational stories in mind that motivate you daily Improve your self-esteem Discover how refusing to give up can end in fame and fortune Have more determination

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Motivation Quotes For Your Best Life: 365 Days of wonder Happiness Success

Quotes Motivation For Your Best Life 365 Days of wonder Happiness Success This 365 Days of Wonder Motivation Quotes give your inspiration for your life, Daily Motivation for you Happiness Success. Start each day with a powerful dose of wisdom and inspiration as you are guided to take action.