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Poems of Inspiration: A Daily Dose of Self-Motivation

Poems of Inspiration—A Daily Dose of Self-Motivation is filled with thoughts written to direct individuals to examine their lives and evaluate their journey. The author presents a clear message of hope and inspiration that will steer each person to discover their purpose in life. Thought-provoking titles such as There’s Too Much at Stake and You’re Closer Than You Think encourage you to stay strong and never give up.

This collection of poems will resurrect buried dreams, renew minds, and redirect thoughts towards the promises for a brighter future. Those eager to change their lives will be empowered with life-changing principles to remove barriers and embrace success. These poems will generate a sense of hope and guide you to become your best.

“Rodrick is not only a motivational speaker but is also a motivational doer. I expect great things from him.” Willie Jolley, America’s Leading Motivational Speaker/Singer. Author of National Bestseller, It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life

“Very eloquently spoken. I was very impressed with your story of overcoming so many obstacles to become the talented communicator that you are today.” Bob Losure, Former CNN Headline News anchor. Author of Five Seconds To Air

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The PoCharm Book of Relationship Wishes: Poems and Sayings For Almost Every Occasion

Over 200 short poems and sayings from the author of the by now overworked saying, “The most fantastical delusions can be made to masquerade as sanity if you have the political power to back it up,” which has been used for many different purposes over the last four years, as well as misquoted — giving us all a good lesson in how unhinged lips can sink the ships of responsible fact-checked information.Resist hive life. Go forth and fructify with these PoCharm thoughts. The PoCharm Book has a copyright certificate granted October 9, 2006.The author reserves all rights to make gifts of these small, haikuist creations.