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Enjoy the Ride

Enjoy the Ride offers straightforward, practical techniques that will immediately affect your life allowing you to understand the transformative power you possess to create whatever you desire. Drawing from historical wisdom and using accessible metaphors, Daly demonstrates how thoughts create reality and how the process of examining thought patterns can enable you to reach any goal you set of yourself. The inspirational guidance found in this book takes you on a journey of self-awareness and provides a clear path to reach your potential in all areas of life.

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Why I Ride: Tales of Inspiration for Cyclists

WHY I RIDE: Stories from the Road of Life A Photo Book filled with Tales of Inspiration for Cyclists Edited by Bicycle Dreams Director Stephen Auerbach WHY I RIDE is a one-of-a-kind photo book featuring first-person testimonials from incredible cyclists all across the globe. These intimate and powerful tales make this book the “go to” source for inspiration and motivation for the cyclist who wants to connect with the community and find the spiritual fuel to hit the hills even harder than they did yesterday. WHY I RIDE delivers a revealing glimpse into the inner lives of cyclists and their many reasons for riding. Is there any tool in our lives greater than the bicycle that can heal our heart and our health? Selected from nearly 2000 submissions, this 120 page, 2015 edition is the first of what will be annual editions for many years to come. This edition is a SOFTCOVER BOOK and the dimensions are 9″ x 6″.