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21 Affirmations for Forgiveness and Healing

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21 Affirmations for Forgiveness and Healing is a book comprised of affirmations and scriptures (NLT version) that Author Robin M. Sample has come to rely on to bring her out of some very dark and lonely places over the course of her life. Robin believes that affirmations, prayer, meditation and scriptures are what kept her from giving up, as she has come pretty close to giving up on several occasions, as she so transparently shared in her first book, “When I Stopped Being Angry With God.” Often times, life tosses us some unexpected curve balls that take us off course, causing us to land in unfamiliar and frightening territories. It is during those times that we feel alone, abandoned, scared and uncertain of what to do or where to turn. But when we turn to God during those times, He reminds us that He has been with us all along, watching over us, leading and guiding us, and even carrying us when we get too tired to take another step. When we learn to let go and let God, we can begin to experience the beauty of freedom to live, love, laugh and enjoy life without being held hostage by our past hurts, pain, trauma and resentment. It is Robin’s hope that this book of 21 Affirmations For Forgiveness and Healing will help readers look to God in times of sadness, loneliness, sorrow, hopelessness, helplessness, and even during times of anger and frustration.

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