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Affirmation of the dream “There is happiness in living!”: Affirmation of the dream “There is happiness in living!”

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The world of our dreams is something more than our reality. It is in a dream where we can find ourselves in any point of space and time, where we learn secrets of the part, essence of the present and possibilities of the future. It is only in dreams where we can meet those who are no more with us, study options for forthcoming events or make our choice… The project is unique, and all the information you will find in this book, is published for the first time. One of the major goals of the project is to search dreamers for having joint dreams on the basis of certain setups called dream affirmations. For many of you most of this knowledge will mean real opportunity to manage your dreams and effectively use your connection with the unconsciousness and earth informational field, as well as find solutions to real problems, activate reserves of the organism, heal yourself, enter dreams of other people and meet those who are far from you in your dreams. There will be those of you who will open a new transcendent world with this book – a world which can change your life so much that you’ll become a completely different person seeing what others cannot see and experiencing new laws of the universe on your own.

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