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Affirmation Toolbox

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In this book, Affirmation Toolbox you will find an Affirmation Tool for almost every situation and/or challenge in life. You will be delighted with this collection of over 150 different, simple, yet powerful Affirmation Tools all within one cover. It has tools and techniques that are easy-to-apply. Let this book change and improve your life. It was written due to popular demand and numerous requests. Use it as your constant companion to help make your life happier and more fulfilled. Here is a reference book to turn to and use whenever you wish. One lady refers to it as her ‘Life Guide.’ I have personally done each and every Affirmation Tool in this book as have many of my family, friends, readers, etc. with great and sometimes miraculous results! When you are experiencing a ‘so-called’ negative challenge in your life, don’t struggle, worry and fret about what to do–just go to the Table of Contents in the book and select the approriate tool and use it to reap the positive and desired benefits. These very simple, yet powerful Tools can be used instantly. No seaching, odering and waiting for a book or product arrive. These wonderful one-of-a kind Affirmation Tools are certainly not to be used in place of your doctor’s advice and/or perscriptions, but are only to be used as additional Your Support Method. Dr. Anne Marie Evers is also ‘best-selling’ author of numerous physical books and e-books on the power of properly done Affirmations. After each chapter in her books, she always adds her very own Affirmation which is — ‘Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work!’

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