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Coloring Through Cancer: An Adult Coloring Book with 30 Positive Affirmations to Encourage Cancer Survivors (Volume 1)

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Coloring Through Cancer is an inspirational adult coloring book featuring 30 single sided, unique adult coloring pages, designed specifically for people who have lived with or are living with cancer. Each coloring page includes a positive affirmation to encourage and uplift every colorist.

Many cancer patients are already turning to adult coloring books to relax, relieve stress and get through treatment. Coloring Through Cancer takes adult coloring one step further for cancer patients by introducing powerful positive affirmations to each page.

The positive affirmations found in the Coloring Through Cancer adult coloring book include:

Cancer doesn’t define me It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it I will get through this I am not alone Nothing is impossible The pain that I’m feeling doesn’t compare to the joy that is coming My family and friends love me Nothing can steal my joy I give thanks for my full recovery and perfect health I am glowing with health and energy I choose to think positive thoughts I will beat cancer I am unstoppable Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful I believe in miracles Something good is going to happen today My body heals as I sleep I am beautiful I surround myself with love and light I will not give up My body grows stronger every day I will keep on living I heal with every breath in, and let go of cancer with every breath out I will persevere This too shall pass Cancer has no power over my dreams I will make every day count Some days are harder than others (but hard is not impossible) My courage is stronger than my fear I am more than a conqueror

Anyone who has been through cancer, is going through cancer or who knows someone who has been affected by cancer will love this adult coloring book!

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3 thoughts on “Coloring Through Cancer: An Adult Coloring Book with 30 Positive Affirmations to Encourage Cancer Survivors (Volume 1)

  1. BEST COLORING BOOK EVER VERY INSPIRING This is a very awesome and inspirational coloring book. I love all the pages. There are some things that are small to color but it’s nothing that I can’t handle. I just love the affirmations on each coloring page. As someone who has terminal Cancer, these are very important to me. It made me feel so much better just by looking at it and even better when I started coloring. I’m in love with this book and I most definitely recommend it to Cancer patients, survivors or their families and just…

  2. Inspiration for those struggling with ANY difficult times! This book is not just for cancer fighters… many of the pages’ images and inspirational sayings are applicable to anyone dealing with any difficult situation. I found this book to be highly inspirational to myself, as I struggle with several chronic, incurable diseases, and some days, even coloring is far more than I can handle. But this book, and one page in particular, really touched my heart! (my partially colored pic is attached, along with my tattoo of the same sentiment) 

  3. It’s great encouragement and affirmations This is a very inspirational book. I colored some of the pages then bought 10 more books to donate to my local cancer hospital. It’s great encouragement and affirmations.

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