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Feeling Fine Affirmations

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This CD contains positive affirmations, narrated by Louise L. Hay, set to motivating music. Saying affirmations is like planting seeds. It takes time for them to germinate and take root. Be patient with yourself.


Repeat the affirmations on this CD as often as possible. They will help you change long-standing negative thoughts into ones of self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem.  You’ll begin to appreciate who you are as you release past programming. Soon you’ll have an abundance of health, energy, and well-being developing with-in you.

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3 thoughts on “Feeling Fine Affirmations

  1. Strong Positive Messages I read some of the other reviews and it seems to me that the reviewers who said there was only music on the CD were cheated out of an excellent list of positive affirmations, spoken by Louise’s calm and strong voice in a soothing and encouraging way.The CD I got has a very short introduction into what affirmations are (any thoughts we speak and words we say), that most of what we casually think is quite negative, and that a conscious effort to focus on positive ideas can change our lives…

  2. Good if you’re feeling down Feeling Fine Affirmations by Louise L. Hay is exactly what it states. If you have a very poor self image or low self confidence, this CD could be a great help, if you are in the right frame of mind to be relaxed and receptive. She simply and softly speaks positive affirmations to help you learn to have good mental messages to yourself in order to be healthy physically and emotionally and to reduce stress. However, if you are already a positive and happy person, the CD’s could make you feel as…

  3. All of Louise’s Books and CD’s have worked for me!! This one is GREAT!!!! Since 1988, I have listened to Louise Hay. In 2005, I was a victim of Hurrincane Katrina and decided to move. And I needed some affirmations to help me along the way. Then, I purchased several of Louise’s CD’s and also this one and they really helped me. This particular CD helped me in both physical illness and other problems. I do not understand why the other reviewers gave this CD such a low score. I will say that it worked so well for me and I continue to listen to this CD when I need a…

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