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Flowers in December: 12 Poetic Affirmations to help you Grow through your toughest times

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Are you going through obstacles are GROWING through them?
When we come across hard times, our usual response is ask for enough strength to get through it all. But to only get through your struggles leaves room for possibly repeating those same experiences. When you grow through a situation, you’re putting your faith into action. Your test becomes a testimony by transforming that painful experience into wisdom. Flowers in December is your guide to help you stay inspired and to transform yourself in the midst of your coldest and darkest times.

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3 thoughts on “Flowers in December: 12 Poetic Affirmations to help you Grow through your toughest times

  1. Success Isn’t Selfish Gina Ma’at Marie has an excellent body of work in Flowers In December. This book is intended for readers who find themselves in tough times. The beauty in that is, this is inclusive of everyone. My two personal favorite poems are “Dirt” and “Growing Through Failure”. Each poem takes you through a positive transformation. I’m sure if you take the time to read this short collection of heartfelt poetry, you will see a positive reflection of yourself. I highly recommend this ebook…

  2. A Beautiful Read Flowers In December is a touching and uplifting Poetic book of affirmations. Author Gina Ma’at Marie is a truly gifted poet. You will love `If These Walls Could Talk’ and the deeply internal examination of `Dirt’. After each affirmation, she eloquently discusses her own insights and helps give you some wonderful take-away thoughts and clarity. The overriding theme is to grow, always keep growing, no matter what you are going through. This definitely would make a wonderful gift…

  3. Helpful book I found this book incredibly helpful. It’s a very touching book with strong poetry that I really enjoyed. It’s helped me through a tough situation and I really appreciated it. Recommended for anyone who’s going through something hard.

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