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‘I AM’ Affirmations and the Secret of Their Effective Use

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A handbook for Mastery. This is the secret to making affirmations work to achieve enlightenment, health, a sense of abundance and self-mastery in all aspects of life. Peter Mt. Shasta leads you through meditation instruction that even a child can follow with ease. He also gives various methods he learned from the Masters, and which he only gave previously in retreats. Listening to Peter read these affirmations from his home in Mount Shasta, will raise you into the awareness of your own source, and help you experience the Ascended Master dimension of light. This is the audio version of the best-selling book on self-mastery.

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2 thoughts on “‘I AM’ Affirmations and the Secret of Their Effective Use

  1. Peter Mt. Shasta’s book “I AM Affirmations” is a wonderful contribution to the understanding of the science of using affirmations for health, personal happiness and spiritual growth. The author explains the use of affirmations in a clear and concise manner, making what could otherwise seem mysterious simple enough for anyone to begin to practice and immediately obtain practical benefits. This book is extremely beneficial for either beginners just starting to use affirmations or people…

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