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I am not a Bully: Journal Affirmations for Empowerment and Transformation

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Most books about bullying are written for those being bullied, which is obviously of critical importance. But this is not one of those books. This book is for those who have engaged in or are showing signs of a tendency towards engaging in bullying. The bullying epidemic will never end until we treat all sides with deepest care and deliberation. This book is meant to be one tool toward this healing process through the use of honest introspection, reflection and the therapeutic process of transmuting thoughts to the written word.Excellent as a journal for one individual or as a tool to use in a group setting for writing and discussion. Each entry covers a different topic and then allows space for the reader to do their own writing.
Excellent as a journal for one individual or as a tool to use in a group setting for writing and discussion. Each entry covers a different topic and then allows space for the reader to do their own writing. 

That Kid 

When I focus 
With sincerity 
And clear intention 
I can take myself back 
To memories of myself 
When I was different 
It was a time before 
Life had given me 
All the experiences 
That resulted in 
My transformation to 
The me I am today 
And if I’m honest 
I really liked the kid 
I used to be 
That good heart 
The crazy imagination 
The innocence 
The optimism 
I wonder what that kid 
Would think of me now 
Wonder what I would say 
To that kid now 
If I had the chance 
Wonder if there’s 
Even the slightest possibility 
That I could figure out a way 
To move my life 
In some direction 
To make that kid proud 
Because that kid 
Deserves it 

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