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I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!: Daily Affirmations By Stuart Smalley

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The ultimate meditation book, not to be grandiose…

Take a hilarious, healing journey with Stuart Smalley as he careens down the road to Recovery.  For one entire year Stuart recorded an affirmation a day…except when he had taken to his bed (but that’s Okay)…and the result is the most entertaining and indispensable meditation book ever.

From program wisdom (Denial Ain’t Just a River in Egypt!  December 1) to survival tips (When I Go Home to Visit My Family I Will Stay in a Motel! September 26) to some good sound practical advice (I am entitled to file for an Extension on my Income Taxes!  April 15th), Stuart’s affirmations will empower you!

Work, Friendship, Love, Spirituality, Codependency, Self-Esteem, Acceptance…Stuart deals with it all.  And as you share his ups and downs, his triumphs and shame spirals, you will come to see the ultimate truth of Stuart’s March 21st affirmation:  Today I Will Laugh–At Least Once!

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3 thoughts on “I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!: Daily Affirmations By Stuart Smalley

  1. This Book is Funny No Matter What Mood I’m In I keep this book right here beside me in my home office, so any time I need to get perspective on life I can open it to some random page and read one of Stuart’s daily affirmations. Whether I’m in a good mood or feeling down, this book always picks me up! Thanks to Stuart, I now know that “I don’t have to beat myself up”, “I deserve good things”, and “I refuse to live from crisis to crisis”! I have to keep reminding myself about that last one, because my…

  2. I Can Enjoy This Book I have read all of Al Franken’s books up to this point with the exception of this one. I had been a fan of Franken since his days of Saturday Night Live, particularly his Stuart Smalley character. This book further demonstrates the depth and intelligence of his humor. 

  3. Al Franken at his best! I’M GOOD ENOUGH, I’M SMART ENOUGH, AND DOGGONE IT, PEOPLE LIKE ME!, is a year in the life of Stuart Smalley, the character created by Al Franken, seen on Saturday Night Live. The book is written in journal format – each day is a daily affirmation, and Stuart gives us advice and tips on various subjects as he works his way along the road to recovery (he belongs to several 12 step groups). 

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