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Mind Freedom: Re-program Yourself for Success and Happiness with Meditations, Affirmations, Mindset Shifts

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Do you want to clear your mind and find your purpose? This booklet will add more freedom and happiness to your life. It could change your life too. “If you want to break free and live life on your terms, while doing work that makes a difference and adds value to other people’s lives. Then you should read this book.” SA – verified purchase review.

We are all freer than we think we are

But sometimes when you get up for work in the morning, freedom seems like a privilege reserved for the rich and famous. It isn’t. The freest people in the world aren’t usually rich or famous. This book will show you how you can experience freedom now! This book explains the mindset shift you need to enjoy a life of freedom and happiness. This book contains: A focus on the present as the only reality we have A “we are capable of anything” approach Encouragement to evaluate your true purpose and directions on how to do that Explains how you are the experience and not the experiencer Show you what it means to label things, and how to catch negative thinking before it turns into limiting beliefs Directions on how to stop judging Teaches the easy way to meditate Guidance on affirmations and how to make them work; turning affirmations into a positive statements that focus on helping people I used to do unsatisfying jobs and not have any aspirations that my life could ever be any different. It never occurred to me to question what I was doing and why I wasn’t free to do what I wanted. I kept on going to those boring offices to do unfulfilling work, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Now, I’ve just got back from a eight-month long vacation where I was travelling through Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines whilst working on my online business. How did I turn my life around? Well, every journey starts with a single step and the first step was the mindset shift which is explained in this book. You will learn about how to create a new mindset that is positive, creative and energetic. After reading this book you will be able control your thoughts in order to concentrate on the most important things – your life, your loves, your calling.

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