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Positive Affirmations: Change Your Mindset. Change Your Life.

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Negativity is a health risk. It impacts your thinking and mindset and can lead to increased levels of stress, which in turn contribute to physical ailments including high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and headaches. It’s a vicious cycle. We don’t feel motivated. We feel depressed. We worry that we aren’t accomplishing much – or anything. It will take change – slow and steady change – to break the cycle of negativity and change your mindset. Doing so will change your life! An affirmation is a short positive statement that is true (or you want to be true). The process of repeating affirmations daily, either by writing or speaking them aloud, has a powerful effect on the subconscious mind. If you are new to affirmations, it is best to start simply and move forward steadily. This book will help you develop a daily routine of reciting positive affirmations. With over 250 affirmations included, you’ll have a resource for finding the right affirmation for any segment of your life: friends, family, relationships, creativity, health, career, finances, your environment, and personal growth.

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2 thoughts on “Positive Affirmations: Change Your Mindset. Change Your Life.

  1. I am not much of a self-help book reader– but I love “positive affirmations” and anything that puts positivity out there. I would surely recommend this quick read for anyone needing a little direction, a little boost and a little help in finding ways to look at their own life in a positive light. The author gives helpful ways to turn thought and words into positive thinking– and how to put more positive energy out into the world. Super easy read on how to change your mindset to change…

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