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Quantum Affirmations: The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation

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When life lets us down, there’s only one reason: it’s all in our heads! We are what we affirm, positive and negative.

Quantum Affirmations offers an integrative approach to manifesting the love, happiness, prosperity, and success you want in your life. Renowned psychic and bestselling author Monte Farber teaches readers how to visualize and create the future they desire with simple and fun techniques to tunnel through any and all obstacles.

Quantum Affirmations is the revolutionary new method for harnessing your mind’s power based on quantum physics. Farber has researched intriguing scientific principles and their complementary metaphysical laws that support that affirmations work. In Quantum Affirmations, he’s applies those principles to formulate a simple 5-Step Process that anyone can use to create the future they want.

Farber Includes in-depth interviews of people he has guided step-by-step through the process, and shows readers how to create their own Quantum Affirmations. When the world seems to be falling apart and things getting out of control, this book offers an easy-to-use tool to take matters into your own hands.

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2 thoughts on “Quantum Affirmations: The New Energy Science of Conscious Manifestation

  1. A Useful Approach to Manifestation Don’t we all want to bend the universe to our will? Well Monte Faber thinks he has the formula. It is a 5-step process he swears by, and offers four case studies of people he has helped to change their lives using it. The steps themselves are quickly laid out, but require a fair amount of reflection on the reader’s part to fill in the blanks.Steps 1 and 2 were to identify your goal and then look at your history around it. As Monte points out, you may well find out that you don’t really want what you thought you wanted. As he says, “If you know your question, you know your answer.”Probably the most interesting aspect of the book was the process Monte led his subjects through to arrive at a clear understanding of what they really wanted, and what their gifts were. That was the third step – knowing what you were really good at that came easily to you.Once you have a clear understanding of your strengths and your goal, you’re set to do the quantum bit, which is…

  2. Annoyingly smug but some useful ideas I know not many people read 3-star reviews, everyone wants to know the worst and the best, but I am here to say I so far sit squarely in the middle. I am up to Chapter 9 and felt compelled to write this after someone gave this book a 1 star amongst all the rave reviews. This book IS incredibly self congratulatory. “This is the most practical, results-orientated daydreaming possible to a human being, and I am proud to be its inventor” – yikes! Does this guy have tickets on himself, or what? But wait, there’s more “I am not a scientist, but if I was, I would most likely be like Albert Einstien” (riiiiight!) and that he felt “knighted” by Albert Einstien. Add to this the superior tone, the explanation he is my “mentor” and the really tiresome “my technique”, “my affirmations” “my my my my my”etc etc etc and you get the feel this guy is on a real self trip. That’s not to say everyone thing he say is useless or self entred – there are some interesting techniques here – the “enmeshing…

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