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Say It Like You Mean It!: How to Use Affirmations and Declarations To Create the Life You Want

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Affirmations and declarations are powerful tools for personal change. They quite literally rewire the brain, allowing you to move toward that new you. Do you want to be more successful? Do you want to wake up every morning feeling happy and excited? Do you want to lose weight? In this book, Bennett, Bennett, and Wagner explain how to use affirmations and declarations to create a better life. Recent brain science sheds light on the brain’s neuroplasticity. This means that the physical brain can be rewired over time, literally changing who you are. But, how do you rewire the brain? Affirmations and declarations are two powerful tools to help your brain make this exciting change for the better. This also book explains common reasons why traditional advice about affirmations is ineffective, and why they are not really changing your brain. It also outlines the most effective ways to write and say your affirmations based on recent brain science. Also included is information on how to record your affirmations to create your very own self-hypnosis script. Bonus sections include the morning blitz, common questions and answers, and some effective sample weight loss declarations.

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1 thought on “Say It Like You Mean It!: How to Use Affirmations and Declarations To Create the Life You Want

  1. Affirmations to Quickly Rewire Your Brain This book is much different than standard advice related to affirmations. Incorporating the latest brain research, it explains ways to write and say affirmations in ways that help you quickly rewire your brain, creating a “new you.” For example, the authors tell you how to use “process language” so your subconscious brain won’t say “yeah right” and avoid change when you say your affirmations.The book also covers “declarations,” powerful statements of intent that help you not just…

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