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Scientific Healing Affirmations (Self-Realization Fellowship)

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Long before the use of affirmations was embraced in mainstream settings as diverse as hospitals, recovery programs, sports areneas, and corporate suites, the renowned mystic Paramahansa Yogananda – author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi, – understood and taught the deep spiritual principles that make this ancient scientific tool so powerfully effective. Scientific Healing Affirmations reveals the hidden laws for harnessing the power of concentrated thought – not only for physical healing, but to overcome obstacles and create all-around success in our lives. Included are comprehensive instructions and a wide variety of affirmations for healing the obdy, developing confidence, awakening wisdom, curing bad habits, and much more.

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3 thoughts on “Scientific Healing Affirmations (Self-Realization Fellowship)

  1. Perfect unity I’d misplaced this book, and am reordering it because it gives me strength and spiritual guidance. During illness, it is necessary for the mind to transcend the agony of the physical affliction. Doing so, the mind can concentrate its powers on God’s perfection, and devine healing. In so doing, oftentimes fear subsides, and the positive affirmations create a healing force that can produce miracles. When I look upon the author’s face, I see perfection of mind and body. His wisdom and…

  2. A systematic start to tapping your mind power I spent years as a biofeedback therapist, helping individuals harness the power of their mental and emotional states to effect healing for chronic pains, illnesses, and addictions. Over time it became clearer and clearer that the most powerful healing effects had little to do with expensive biomedical biofeedback equipment and everything to do with basic mind-body-breathing techniques that have been known to thousands of years to advanced yoga practitioners. 

  3. CLEAR AND COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO AFFIRMATION The practice of affirmation is very ancient and includes the discipline of Sanskrit Mantra. This classic on the power and uses of affirmation explains the laws for harnessing the power of focused thought. The first part reveals the relationship between matter/energy and mind and how one can set in motion the healing power of spirit. It also explains consciousness and matter/energy as vibratory expressions of spirit. This section on the theory of healing includes the chapters: Why Affirmations…

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