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The Affirmation (Gollancz)

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3 thoughts on “The Affirmation (Gollancz)

  1. A thoughtful and engaging story that seduces the reader into a world more engaging than the one we currently inhabit. “The Affirmation” by Christopher Priest 

  2. Explores the blurry borderlands between reality and fiction “As long as I could remember myself, then I existed. When I woke up in the mornings the first thing I’d do is think back to what I’d done just before going to bed. If the continuity was still there, I still existed. And I think it works the other way … there’s a space ahead that I can anticipate. It’s like a balance. I discovered that memory was like a psychic force behind me, and therefore there must be a kind of life force spreading out in front. The human…

  3. Mind-blowing The Affirmation is the eighth novel by British SF author Christopher Priest, originally published in 1981. As with his later novels The Prestige and moreso The Separation, The Affirmation is a book about identity, truth, perception and perspective which rewards multiple readings and is open to many interpretations of what is happening. 

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