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The Best Affirmations Handbook

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Why is it everyone knows they should be doing affirmations, but they don’t?

Why is it some people say affirmations just gloss over the negative?

It’s because no-one has ever given you a step-by-step guide on how to do affirmations effectively. Affirmations work. They work for millions of people around the world and they can work for you! They are the foundation for you to get the life you desire and dream about.

In this Handbook, you’ll learn how to say them everyday, all the time. You’ll find out how to identify your dominant thought, how to change your negative thinking, and much more!!

The Best Affirmations Handbook gets results! You can achieve the life of your dreamsif you do your affirmations and take action on them.

Buy the Best Affirmations Handbook and take it with you everywhere. Create your own affirmations habit, and may your life never be the same again!

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3 thoughts on “The Best Affirmations Handbook

  1. Train Your 50,000 Daily Thoughts to Bring You Success Do you want to create a future of which you can be proud? Do you want to recession-proof your life? Do you want to create a huge impact? It all starts with your mindset. Just as you have to train your body to be strong through exercise, you have to condition your mind as well.This book is the manual for mental conditioning. It will help you create the life that you scarcely dare to dream.I can tell you that affirmations have empowered me to attract amazing people,…

  2. Best Affirmations Handbook Cuts through Resistance to Affirmations As a life coach and wellness coach, I often work with clients who are resistant to affirmations. But what’s wonderful about The Best Affirmations Handbook is that it cuts through resistance skillfully and easily. That’s because authors Scott Armstrong and Patricia Ross do a great job of showing us how our negative thinking is getting in the way of our lives, explaining how affirmations work, and then creating a 30-day plan to help us put our affirmations into practice. One of the greatest…

  3. Good ideas on using affirmations but lacking actual affirmations This book goes one step further than most affirmation books because it doesn’t just say “pick an affirmation and repeat it over and over.” It talks about the law of attraction, changing negative thoughts to positive, and multiple ways you can use affirmations. I liked that they discussed how using affirmations can make you change your entire way of thinking, rather than just changing one thing. I was a little confused though because they don’t specify whether you should work with a certain…

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