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The Present Moment: 365 Daily Affirmations

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This little book is filled with positive affirmations that will show you that your point of power is always in the present moment, and this is where you plant the mental seeds for creating new experiences.

Think about how you’d like to live and what you’d like to accomplish. Each day Louise L. Hay will help guide your thinking in positive ways to accomplish these goals. As you read this work, you’ll find that you develop new mental habits that you can use for the rest of your life!

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3 thoughts on “The Present Moment: 365 Daily Affirmations

  1. Beautiful I highly recommend this book. I have three affirmation books by Louise Hay. They are all different and I like the variety.

  2. nice backgrounds Nice positive affirmations, may be a little bit to similar each other. Affirmations are written on a backgrounds with really beautiful graphics with so good patern combination. Sometimes colours give me more energy than affirmations in this booklet.

  3. Extremely positive and essential book As someone who is rather new to Louise Hay’s work, I am really impressed with this little book. It contains 365 powerful affirmations that anyone can easily adapt into their life. It is also extremely colorful, and pleasant to look at.I am finding that affirmations help me to realize my full potential and also brighten my day. When I find myself slipping into self-defeating, negative self-talk, I am able to flip to a page in this book and use the affirmation to help snap myself out of it. I even carry the book around with me at times, and keep it in the car.Highly recommended along with ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’

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