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Think Happy: Instant Peptalks to Boost Positivity

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Stay happy—no matter how much life throws at you!

Happiness expert and Oprah columnist Karen Salmansohn presents a collection of 50 inspirational inner peptalks to boost your confidence, attitude, and mood. These peptalks are different than affirmations because they’re feisty, fun and memorable–and will thereby stick in your brain like a catchy song. You’ll naturally want to keep repeating them, thereby changing your neural pathways so you’re inclined to think positive thoughts, which lead to positive habits, which lead to a positively happy life!

Whether you’re feeling stressed, need motivation, are dealing with haters, or need to turn your tale of woe into a tale of wow, THINK HAPPY’s instant peptalks and whimsical illustrations will grump-proof your brain so you can move forward with optimism, resilience, and plain ol’ fabulousness.

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3 thoughts on “Think Happy: Instant Peptalks to Boost Positivity

  1. Easy, Accessible Joy! As always, Karen delivers! Wherever you find her, online, within bound pages, she brings a smile to your face and lifts you up, simply, practically, and intelligently. Loved her since “Bounce Back” – she knows how to make digestible golden nuggets of soul-nourishment for the starved and life-weary soul!

  2. I love this book I love this book! It’s the perfect gift idea for a growing teen, a friend who is changing jobs, or that “I don’t know what to get her, she has everything” person. Our thoughts create our experience. Think Happy will help you create magic in your daily life—It’s helping me create more magic in mine! Thanks, Karen Salmansohn for another powerful tool to help us be happier!

  3. An inspired soul with so much to share! Karen Salmansohn continues to spark positive thoughts and actions with each book and message she offers. I look forward to her enthusiastic writings and powerful insight with each new published work. She is truly a gift to us all. Thank you Karen for all you do!

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