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Think Thin: 101 affirmations for losing weight and keeping it off

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This collection of positive thoughts is meant to help you no matter what stage of your weight-loss journey you’re in. Read one page before you start your day, and work your way from cover to cover. Or, pick it up in a moment of weakness and flip randomly to whatever page you’re meant to land on. It is not a “how-to” guide for dieters. Follow whatever diet regime works for you, although as time goes along and you start to believe these wonderful things about yourself and how food can complement your life, not ruin it, perhaps diets will be a thing of the past. But for now, use this book to fill yourself with the positivity that you’re on the right path. You and you alone hold the key to a whole new world. It’s one in which you will allow yourself to live to your full potential, demonstrating both inside and out the best version of yourself possible.

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2 thoughts on “Think Thin: 101 affirmations for losing weight and keeping it off

  1. This book has made me a beleiver in positive thinking! After reading this book I’ve noticed many of Lisa’s affirmations running through my head throughout the day now. I’ve also noticed that by following them, I’m happier with my weight, and as a result, myself. This book is what everyone that has ever felt unhappy with their weight at any size should own.It will hit you where you live, and make you live better.

  2. Food for the Soul A mutual friend recommended this book, and I’m happy to say that it’s one of those little treasures that you can read again and again without any of the contents losing their appeal. 

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