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You Are!: Big Affirmations for Little Ones

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This colorful, fun and interactive book was designed to provide inspirational one-on-one time with the little ones in your life as well as the little one in you! Each book is infused with the Universal life force of Reiki Energy to support the love between the narrator and all those listening. The color of each page works with the chakra system. The colors, shapes and words support the expansion of thoughts and consciousness as well as clearing and aligning the energy field associated with each chakra for all who are participating in the reading. Our intention is that you have fun, connect, and are inspired as you read aloud the positive affirmations to a little one. We also encourage you to share these affirmations with the little one in you! Invite your inner child to listen and soak in the truth of the words you speak aloud.

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2 thoughts on “You Are!: Big Affirmations for Little Ones

  1. Do yourself and those you love a favor and buy this book This is tremendous book, written by two very special ladies. Do yourself and those you love a favor and buy this book! Yes it’s that good! This makes the best gift.

  2. I love how our book turned out I love how our book turned out! As a writer and graphic designer it’s not that often that an inspired vision / project comes to fruition better than imagined! Wishing everyone who reads YOU ARE! and everyone who hears YOU ARE! endless amounts of love and light!

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