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You are Royal: Angelic Affirmations for Remembering Your True Heritage

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The sincerest wish of every angel in heaven is that you remember who you are.

An affirmation on its own is a powerful thing. However, flexing the muscle of an affirmation with the conscious expression of your own words, thoughts and experiences is a transformative thing. Use this affirmational journal to not only absorb the powerful messages in each affirmation, but to accentuate them tenfold by the expressions of your own creation. 


You are a descendant 
Of the most high 
Born in the light 
Of the central sun 
Of creation 
The child of a royal line 
That stretches beyond 
The borders 
Of your conceived 
Time and space 
Your birthright 
Endows you 
With the eternal light 
Of your royal heritage 
You stand at a crossroads 
A crown in each hand 
And now you choose 
Will you wear 
A crown of duality 
And illusion 
Or the crown of love 
And infinite possibility? 
The choice has 
Always been yours 
Take up your crown 
Claim your royal heritage 
And remember 
Who you are 

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