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You Can Heal Your Life

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New York Times Bestseller! As featured on Oprah!

and Donahue! Over 16 Million copies sold worldwide, 3 Million in the USA!


Louise L. Hay, best selling author, is an internationally known leader, her key message is : “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” The author has a great deal of experience and first hand information to share about healing, including how she cured herself after having been diagnosed as being terminally ill with cancer.


By listening to this four CD set and doing the exercises and repeating the affirmations and beneficial thought patterns, YOU CAN CREATE THE LIFE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED.


“An excellent book for restructuring one’s life and finding self-esteem and self love.”

                            -Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.

                             Author of Love, Medicine & Miracles

If you haven’t seen Hay House’s Lifestyles series of gorgeous gift books, there is no better way to acquaint yourself than with publisher/author Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life. A bestseller for many years, You Can Heal Your Life has been republished with bright, beautiful illustrations in full, living color and exquisite typography–each and every page is a work of art by artist Joan Perrin Falquet. The timeless message of the book is that we are each responsible for our own reality and “dis-ease.” Hay believes we make ourselves ill by having thoughts of self-hatred. She includes a directory of ailments and emotional causes for each with a corresponding affirmation to help overcome the illness. For example, the probable cause of multiple sclerosis is “mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, and inflexibility.” The healing “thought pattern” would be: “By choosing loving, joyous thoughts, I created a loving joyous world. I am safe and free.” –P. Randall Cohan

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3 thoughts on “You Can Heal Your Life

  1. Exactly What I Needed When purchasing self help books, I think it helps to remember that, like ordering food or clothing, you’re choosing something for yourself, not anyone else. The book doesn’t need to suit anyone’s needs but your own and if a book doesn’t suit your needs, that doesn’t mean it might not offer someone else exactly what they need to work through their situations.During years of researching the topics of healing, happiness and love and having read dozens of excellent books on these…

  2. This Book Saved My Life Louise Hay has been there and done that and this is evidenced by the content of her book. When I first bought a copy of You Can Heal Her Life, I read the first 2 chapters, and put the book down. I was angry because Ms Hay was telling me like it was, and I didn’t want to hear the truth. I didn’t want to look at myself and take responsibility for my life and my happiness and my health. I wanted to be told that My situation was beyond my control. A couple of years later, I picked up that…

  3. Life Changing Material! Disc 1Begins with a lady thinking all this negative self-talk. Then you hear others also thinking all this negative self-talk. A positive-thinker walks by and drops a card that says “I am willing to change.” And there is a positive affirmation on the back of the card explaining what the statement means. The negative-thinker begins to think about what the card says. Louise Hay begins to dialog, explaining how changing our thoughts can dramatically influence our lives. Other…

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