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101 Ways to Transform Your Life

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On this inspirational CD, bestselling author Dr. Wayne Dyer offers you 101 ways to make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. You’ll love listening to Dr. Dyer’s transformational thoughts at home, in your office, and in your car! Dr. Dyer offers inspirational messages such as to ‘Become aware that there are no accidents in our intelligent universe, and to realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you’.

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3 thoughts on “101 Ways to Transform Your Life

  1. Another great Dyer audio book… I came across this CD at wholefoods supermarket by accident. I took it home listenedto it and was very pleased. There was a lot of knowledge and wisdomfrom his many books and tapes and was put together in 101 ways totransform your life. Aside, from the excellent content it is nice tobe use as a meditation tape. I put it on and go to sleep and alwaysawaken refreshed and positive. I gave it to my adult son who isgoing through challenges with his wife and family…

  2. Life Changing for Real 0

  3. It’s all in you… remember? I absolutely LOVE this audio book. Dr. Wayne Dyer’s voice is very soothing and he makes his message simple to relate to and undestand. I listen to this book when I go to sleep at night; It helped me greatly when I was recovering from depression and I still listen to it regularly now. The suggestions are very simple and help put daily challenges in a perspective that them makes them manageable. He also mentions how God has a plan and how He is part of us. This audio book is a must, especially…

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