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A Gentleman’s Position (Society of Gentlemen)

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Power, privilege, and the rigid rules of class leave two hearts yearning for connection in the sizzling new Society of Gentlemen novel from K. J. Charles.

Among his eccentric though strictly principled group of friends, Lord Richard Vane is the confidant on whom everyone depends for advice, moral rectitude, and discreet assistance. Yet when Richard has a problem, he turns to his valet, a fixer of unparalleled genius – and the object of Richard’s deepest desires. If there is one rule a gentleman must follow, it is never to dally with servants. But when David is close enough to touch, the rules of class collide with the basest sort of animal instinct: overpowering lust.

For David Cyprian, burglary and blackmail are as much in a day’s work as bootblacking – anything for the man he’s devoted to. But the one thing he wants for himself is the one thing Richard refuses to give: his heart. With the tension between them growing to be unbearable, David’s seemingly incorruptible master has left him no choice. Putting his finely honed skills of seduction and manipulation to good use, he will convince Richard to forget all about his well-meaning objections and give in to sweet, sinful temptation.

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3 thoughts on “A Gentleman’s Position (Society of Gentlemen)

  1. Absolutely Glorious! Sometimes I visit Tumblr – mainly for the pictures, to be honest [don’t judge me] rather than for the text. But there’s a phrase that I’ve often seen attached to a photo of someone like Tom Hiddleston or Jensen Ackles standing looking photogenic. That phrase is “I can’t even…” I never really understood what it meant – until now. 

  2. An intimate portrayal of a complicated relationship This is the third book in this series and it felt more personal than the others. David and Richard are the main focus, with most events surrounding or involving them both. Even the outside pressures on their relationship are more personal, not due to political or government bodies imposing their will but, from close friends and not always so close family ties. Insular. Everything is centered around what’s happening between David and Richard. 

  3. So amazing… my favorite in the series! Whenever I’m in any sort of book funk, I can always count on K.J. Charles to save me. 

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