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A Night of Southern Comfort

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One night of passion….

Detective Jackson Cantrell never imagined that one night with an irresistible stranger would turn his life upside down. He’s spent years living in the shadows, but Dr. Michaela Roarke awakened a passion inside him he’d buried years ago. He never expected the woman would turn out to be the governor’s daughter… and his next assignment. The governor blackmails Jackson to secretly watch over Michaela and protect her from a stalker, or kiss his dream job at the FBI good-bye.

Swearing to keep things strictly professional, Jackson moves in with Michaela. Too bad his heart can’t keep the same promise. But when the stalker’s attacks quickly escalate beyond mere photographs to bodily harm, Jackson must race to save Michaela’s life. And he’ll have to figure out how to keep her once she discovers his lie.

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3 thoughts on “A Night of Southern Comfort

  1. A Southern Success! This book was recommended by Robyn Carr of the Virgin River Series so I decided to give it a try. I am glad I did. What a great first book for Covington. I hope there will be others. The supporting characters in this story are crying for a story of their own. Beckett, Lucky, Teague…but I get ahead of myself. The lead characters in this book – Kayla and Jackson – are flawed but exciting and, obviously, fighting falling in love. Deceit could be their downfall but, as usual, love conquers all. I…

  2. Southern Comfort, I Love Whiskey!! Wow, wow & wow again! I am utterly impressed with this author, Robin Covington! I have never read a story more “put together” than this one. Jackson is a down on his luck ex FBI agent, who was asked to leave when his partner was killed during a mission. Dr. Michaela is the Governors daughter, in genes only. She has been his political pawn her entire life. She just wants to finally live her own life. In a bar in Richmond, she sets her sights on Jack & the night in his hotel room, comes back in…

  3. Lots of sex, with likeable characters in a minimal story Not much of a plot, mostly the author takes you from one sexual interlude to another, with little time spent moving the story forward. I stuck with the book because I really liked the characters and their comradory trash talk, but I found myself skimming over the graphically descriptive sex scenes. Fie on authors who manage to hot sex scenes repetitively boring! Character development beyond the MCs is practically, none existent. The author, despite some minor foreshadowing, wastes…

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