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Amelia’s Destiny: Finding My Way (Amelia Series)

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A life of pain and abuse. Can Amelia ever escape?

In Amelia’s Story, D.G. Torrens captivated listeners with the heart-wrenching story of a young girl imperiled by a tragic life of abuse. Now a teenager, seemingly free of the past, Amelia struggles to find happiness in an overwhelming world. With many obstacles placed in her path, this only serves to make her journey an arduous one. Fighting for life and for love, will the courageous young girl grab hold of her dreams and discover her destiny?

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3 thoughts on “Amelia’s Destiny: Finding My Way (Amelia Series)

  1. Love, Strength & Determination Amelia’s Destiny picks up where Amelia’s Story left off and I was very anxious to continue the journey of this broken young girl to see where life would take her. She is now on her own and finds herself in a curious situation. She has no money and nowhere to live so she is faced with her first and perhaps most difficult decision. She decides to go to her Mother’s home to live while she gets her feet on the ground and is unfortunately met with the same hostile and spiteful woman that her mother…

  2. Great continuation to Amelia’s life. Was glad to see how Amelia went with life on her own. She was so fortunate to meet people who willingly let her rent a room while she worked towards her dream of owning her own home..several jobs a a few moves but she found it and truly had something that was hers. The fact that her mother would still belittle her and try to keep her apart from her brother was cruel and needless punishment. In the end, through several relationships, and changes in her life, she did finally connect with not…

  3. The Little Girl That Never Gave Up I finished Amelia’s story and then immediately went straight to Amelia’s Destiny. After her mother had all her children taken away from her she seemed to still take great pleasure in making Amelia’s life miserable no matter what. Even though the state had taken away her right to have the children she still had the say so, about where they would be moved to and such. If she had allowed Emily to go to the best place for her, her life would probably have been a lot easier. Even when Amelia leaves…

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