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Over the years, terrible things keep happening to Anna Ray on February 17. First, there was the childhood trauma she’s never been able to speak about. Then, to her horror, her husband killed himself on that date.

A year later and a thousand miles away, Anna tries to find solace in the fresh start of a new job in a new place. She takes comfort in her outspoken cousin Jeannie, the confidant and best friend who’s there whenever she needs help. On the day of the dreaded anniversary, Anna and Jeannie hit the town, planning to ease the pain with an alcohol-induced stupor and then sleep.…

When Anna awakes the next morning, she thinks she can put one more February 17 behind her, but fate is about to intervene in the form of two gruesome murders with eerie similarities to her violent past. This time, however, she won’t be an abandoned daughter or a grieving widow. This time, she’ll be a suspect.

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3 thoughts on “Baggage

  1. We all have baggage in our lives. Some just weighs more than others. I am a huge fan of author Redling’s work. I’ve read most of her books and marvelled at the diversity between them. A post-apocalyptic gem, a series about a trash reader, a quiet sci fi tale focused on communications. And now BAGGAGE – a thriller with a damaged protagonist that is scarier than hell (the book that is). 

  2. Dark and Dreary Dark clouds follow Anna. It seems that the storm always arrives on the seventeenth of February. a childhood horror shattered her family and years later her beloved but troubled husband committed suicide on the same day. With the help of her best friend and cousin Jeannie, she finally has a new start working at a job she loves in a lovely pastoral setting. But it takes more than a few bright spots to eradicate the darkness. so used to the clouds, Anna does not anticipate the storm’s rapid…

  3. I Never Would Have Ever Guessed……That’s Originality… This is an excellent non-stop psychological thriller, by author S.G. Redling……This is what you call “originality” when an author can keep you trying to guess all the way through the story……….I just couldn’t put it down and read it right straight through to the end…….There is just so much unexpected human horror in this novel……With so many twist and turns…….The plot is elaborate, mysterious, suspenseful and constantly keeps you tense or on the edge of your…

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