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Bedding the Wrong Brother: Dalton Brothers, Book 1

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Melina Parker prides herself on being a lady in public, but after she’s dumped yet again for being a lady in the bedroom, she’s ready to go back to school.

Determined to find her inner sex diva, she enlists her childhood friend, Max Dalton, to tutor her after hours.

Instead, she ends up in the wrong bed and gets a lesson in passion from Max’s twin brother, Rhys Dalton, a man Melina’s always secretly wanted but never thought she could have.

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2 thoughts on “Bedding the Wrong Brother: Dalton Brothers, Book 1

  1. Ridiculous premise, but some hot headboard rocking Well, as premises go for books, I suppose there are worse out there. That isn’t quite a glowing endorsement, I know. But seriously? A woman wants to learn how to improve her sexual performance so she asks her friend – the identical twin brother of the man she really loves – to teach her?Seriously.Melina has always loved Rhys, not Rhys’s twin Max. But after the latest in a string of lovers condemns her lovemaking skills, she asks Max for help. He agrees, but then he…

  2. Very fun sexy read Melina has a pretty good life. The only thing missing is a man who will love her and whom she can love. Being dumped once again and feeling like she is inadequate in the bedroom, she turns to Max. Max has been her friend since they were little and someone she’s always trusted. Woman flock to Max’s so Melina figures if he can help her to please a man, than her relationship won’t end in heartbreak. Max agrees to help Melina and while she’s happy, the one she wishes were tutoring her is Rhys,…

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