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Before You Leap

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Peace of mind is all Greg Cole has wanted since the murder of his twin sister, Scarlett.

In his new sun-soaked Florida life, he thought he had found it. But when Scarlett’s killer is released early from prison with a cast-iron alibi, Greg realizes that his past is about to explode into his present, with terrifying consequences.

To expose the truth he must open up old wounds. As a talk therapist, Greg knows all about dark secrets, but when a childhood friendship comes to the fore and the police turn their spotlight on him, the thought of analyzing his own psyche is a disturbing prospect. How far can he trust his own memories?

With his life coming apart at the seams, and his grip on reality beginning to unravel, Greg must face the ghosts of his past if he hopes to prove his innocence and live to see another day.

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3 thoughts on “Before You Leap

  1. Wowza!!!!! Okay, if you are in the mood for a can’t put down, can’t turn the page quick enough story-ride look no further because this book is it!! This is the first work I’ve read of Houghton’s but it won’t be the last….and that’s a promise. This is a great book all the way through from start to finish and you won’t be sorry for investing the time it takes you to read it….just plan on doing it in one sitting….once you start it you will not want to put it down. Thanks for the most awesome…

  2. An excellent psychological thriller I chose this book as my Kindle First title for October. 

  3. “Before You Leap” Fair, Confusing, Quirky Psychological Thriller Set in Florida, Written by a Brit *** LANGUAGE ALERT *** 

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