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Birdsongs is a fast-paced mystery centered on former FBI agent, Benny James. Fired from the FBI for inadvertently sleeping with the perp in a murder case, he tries to disappear to a houseboat and retirement. Not having what it takes to relax, Benny starts a service offering discreet investigations. That is until a body is found crucified near his marina. The local police department requests Benny’s help and he knows if he can catch the killer, redemption is his.

The Chief gives Benny and the department ten days to solve the crimes before he promises to request the help of the FBI. As the case grows, grabbing national attention, and the murders continue, the media soon fills the normally quiet town. Media goddess, Rachael Martin arrives and adds spice to an already flavorful mix. A few newcomers straggle in as well. An ex-convict fresh out of prison from a thirty year murder rap slinks in unnoticed with revenge on his mind.

Days later, a Greyhound bus delivers a strange young man raised by deaf-mute parents from deep within the Ozark Mountains. An old newspaper clipping and a dark secret pulls him to town. Whatever is going on has something strange to do with birds. At each murder site, dead birds are displayed in disturbing ways-the killer arranging them as an artist might. All the strange occurrences and unexplained visitors to this quiet town press Benny James to his max as he vehemently struggles to solve the most important case of his life.

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3 thoughts on “Birdsongs

  1. Wow! This is a must read. Even as the book opens one can sense a shadow of the depth that this book has to offer. A good cop finding a body, an evil convict awaiting his revenge as he is seemingly carelessly let out of prison. I’d say this book is worth its weight in gold; but it’s over two hundred pages. Even if you aren’t a mystery fan, give it a chance, after Birdsongs, you very well might be.

  2. The editor should be shot! I am VERY impressed with the character development and story line of this story. As others have said, I can’t put it down (I’m about halfway through and will probably finish it before the weekend is over.) The author’s talent is clear to anyone who reads the book. HOWEVER, there are so many misused words, and awkwardly constructed sentences, it is very distracting. It almost seems like the book was written with voice recognition software and then not edited at all. So, storyline,…

  3. Do you hear that sound? That’s the sound of a happy bird! I opened this book thinking it was just another murder mystery, but it was way more than that. The book is poetic. The book reads like a favorite song, something that gets stuck in your head, and the only thing to do is keep reading. You fall in love with the characters, and you feel like you are part of the small town of Tilley, GA. Benny James should be a serial character, and we could all use more Red’s in this world. If you are an avid reader, love music, love art, and love a quick and easy…

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