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Black Spark (Dark Magic Enforcer)

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I watched in horror as dark magic sprang from my hand faster than an imp after your socks. I didn’t know my name, let alone that I had such power. The man was dead. I panicked. I ran. How was I to know I was a dark magic enforcer, tasked with keeping magic hidden from the world? Yeah, total noob move, I know. But my memory is returning, and the Hidden have given me twenty-four hours to make amends. Cover it up. Finish the job I was given, or else. Failure isn’t an option. Well, it is, but I like me, and I like being alive. The clock is ticking as I battle to make things right and exact revenge on those that took so much from me. Easier said than done as I deal with angry mages, bitey zombies, oversexed imps, creepy necromancers, and grumpy trolls-and those are just my friends!-all while trying to stop myself falling in love with my best friend, Kate, who just so happens to be a hot vampire. I’m Faz Pound, a.k.a. Black Spark, Dark Magic Enforcer, and time is running out. At least I have my looks. For now.

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3 thoughts on “Black Spark (Dark Magic Enforcer)

  1. Good Start Faz Pound, AKA Black Spark, is a Dark Enforcer, keeping the knowledge of the ones who use magic or Empty from the Regulars, or humans. This day, he comes to with the knowledge of who he is, but not much else other than he needs to run because he has killed and now his killing with magic is being broadcast on social media, just the kind of thing he is an enforcer for. As things slowly come back, he is given a second chance to clear up his mess and find out what went wrong in the time he can’t…

  2. It needs a good editor to go over the intro with the author … I wish I could give this five stars but i can’t. It has an interesting premise and magic system which is why i gave it three stars and not two, but there are so many redundancies in the writing that i had to take a break from the book. I mean i read a little over 20% and just had enough. I intend to finish but wanted to write this review first, and will update it once i finish the book. 

  3. A Fresh Take on Urban Fantasy! This is my first Al K Line book, though I’ve been meaning to read many of his books for a while now. The cover on this one got me, even though I don’t usually read much UF with male leads. I can’t imagine why that is, because damn, I’m loving it! Faz aka Black Spark was a FANTASTIC character and the whole time I was reading this I kept thinking: This needs to be a movie. Or a TV show. Or both. It would be my new addition, a show or movie about a Dark Magic enforced who strips people of their…

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