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Black Sun (Phantom Server Trilogy)

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Zander and his gamer friends used to face danger without fear, finding strength in the promise of a safe respawn. Nothing could harm or destroy them. This was only a game . . . or was it? A game, played in an ancient hyperspace network. A game involving dozens of real-life alien civilizations. Earth is deserted. The fate of humanity is unknown. The few human survivors are now stuck in the Darg star system. All they can do is fight to the last. They must find the Phantom Server-the nucleus of the interstellar network created by the ancient civilization of the Founders. In order to live, they must solve its mystery or die trying.

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3 thoughts on “Black Sun (Phantom Server Trilogy)

  1. Awesome! Amongst the best SciFi litRPG! You should read this.Leveling, space theory, nanotechnology, space battles, colonization, alien races……there’s a bit of everything in here!

  2. Phantom Server may just be the Best litrpg series out today! Phantom Server may be the best litrpg series I have read at this point! Its definitely right up there at the top. the writing was bold and clever, the action never stopped and Its really sci fi heavy with amazing outer space exploration and futuristic tech and combat at every turn. this is the third book in the trilogy and it does an amazing job of neatly wrapping up the story while leaving room to come back and revisit it some day if the author wants to. I really enjoyed all three books and…

  3. A nice series conclusion… This book is more “hard” Science Fiction and less LitRPG. Questions are answered, often with unexpected results. “Leveling and skill growth” are still present, but reflect reality rather than virtualisation. 

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