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Body (Trinity Trilogy)

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Men ruin women, especially men like Chase Davis. Good-looking, intelligent, rich, and powerful-I never stood a chance. When he entered my life, I was finally healing after having barely survived the men of my past. My soul sisters told me to take a chance, to let someone in. I let him in, and he surrounded me with a light so bright that I was blinded by the truth. Men don’t ruin women. They devour them in every way that counts.Contains mature themes.

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3 thoughts on “Body (Trinity Trilogy)

  1. Sweet, seductive and powerful This book hits all the feels! Love, hate, proud and worries. 

  2. Every Woman Needs a Little Chase Davis in Her Life; Scratch That Every Woman Could Do With a Lot of Chase Davis in Her Life! What an awesome read this one is! Chase Davis, who is the most ultimate, sex personified, panty melting, alpha billionaire I think I have ever read! Gillian (Gigi) Callahan who is a beautiful Fundraising Manager for an organization for abused women named Safe Haven Foundation, and a domestic abuse survivor herself. When these to meet in the book you can almost feel the sparks of their sexual chemistry coming off them! A sexual chemistry that is so intense that one kiss from him makes…

  3. There is no doubt that this is one HOT erotic novel but the story is stellar too with a touch of suspense!! It was an honor to once again beta this book for Ms Carlan! As the ARC became available I did another read through and I caught myself getting lost in the story again! Being drawn into a world that an author creates and being able to feel the characters emotions and passions and anxieties… it’s a sign of a great story to me! This is the genre that I love – contemporary, romance, erotic, and a first for Audrey Carlan, a touch of suspense! The perfect combo in my opinion! 

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