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Bombshell (FBI Thriller)

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The number-one New York Times bestselling author is back with an electrifying new entry in the FBI series featuring Dillon Savich and Lacey Sherlock. FBI Special Agent Griffin Hammersmith, last seen in Backfire, has been recruited by Dillon Savich to join his unit in Washington, D.C. Savich sees something special in Hammersmith, an almost preternatural instinct for tracking criminals. While on his way to D.C., Hammersmith plans to visit his sister, Delsey, a student at Stanislaus School of Music in Maestro, Virginia. Before he arrives, he gets a phone call that Delsey has been found naked and unconscious, lying in a pool of blood, after a wild party. The blood isn’t hers — so to whom does it belong? Griffin must protect Delsey, but from whom? Meanwhile, back in D.C., FBI Agents Savich and Sherlock have their hands full when the grandson of a former Federal Reserve Bank chairman is found murdered, every bone in his body broken, his corpse frozen at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial. Was it revenge against his grandfather for the banking crisis, or something more insidious and personal? It’s a bitter winter, and in the endless cold, evil lurks.

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3 thoughts on “Bombshell (FBI Thriller)

  1. Best seller – NOT! 0

  2. Disappointing I have been reading Catherine Coulter books for many years with her FBI series being my favorites. Bomb Shell has the characters and the story line but it did not read like one of the authors’ books. I kept questioning whether she actually wrote this. I even went back to read some of Back Fire again to compare the style of writing. Bomb Shell just didn’t “pull” me into the characters or the action like her former books. It felt more like reading a textbook. Whatever it was that happened, I was…

  3. Good read for regular readers of the series Special Agent Griffin Hammersmith of the FBI has just accepted a transfer from San Francisco to Washington DC to work under Special Agent Dillon Savich of the FBI’s CAU division. We first met Griffin in Backfire, with that story happening just a couple of weeks ago. He’s just arrived in the area and was going to stop and see his sister Delsey, when he gets a call from Agent Ruth Noble (Point Blank) saying his sister survived an attack. Apparently she’s a witness to something huge…

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