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A technology that will change what it means to be human…A discovery that questions the very laws of physics……and a catastrophe that cannot be stopped.

Deep in the Caribbean Sea, a nuclear submarine is forced to suddenly abort its mission under mysterious circumstances. Strange facts begin to emerge that lead naval investigator, John Clay, to a small group of marine biologists who are quietly on the verge of making history.

With the help of a powerful computer system, Alison Shaw and her team are preparing to translate the first two-way conversation with the planet’s second smartest species. But the team discovers much more from their dolphins than they ever expected when a secret object is revealed on the ocean floor. One that was never supposed to be found.

Alison was sure she would never trust the military again. However, when an unknown group immediately becomes interested in her work, Alison realizes John Clay may be the only person she can trust. Together they must piece together a dangerous puzzle, and the most frightening piece, is the trembling in Antarctica.

To make matters worse, someone from the inside is trying to stop them. Now time is running out…and our understanding of the world is about to change forever.

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3 thoughts on “Breakthrough

  1. Full of WTF moments and cliches I really wanted to like this book. Dolphins are incredible creatures and all the data shows they are likely sentient intelligent beings with a complex language and social structure. The book’s premise of being able to communicate with them is well constructed and plausible. 

  2. excellent read I absolutely enjoyed this book and couldn’t seem to put it down. I have a degree in marine biology so I really liked the sci fi take on marine biology. This book had some of everything I enjoy in a good book – action, mystery, scifi and conspiracy. I do wish the love story had been explored more and some of my questions better addressed. I would love to see the story continued.

  3. Suspenseful and Fast Paced! This debut novel is well written with more than a few surprises in the storyline. Breakthrough offers a look at a different kind of danger facing the earth. It’s not the usual suspects. The suspense accelerates page by page to a build up you never see coming. Don’t try to guess the ending, cause you’ll be wrong. What begins as a routine naval investigation turns bad real fast and by the time they figure out what’s wrong, it’s worse than they think. While the main characters scramble to save…

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