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Broken Dove (Fantasyland)

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Far too young, Apollo Ulfr lost Ilsa, his wife, the love of his life and the mother of his two children. The grief of her loss does not settle in his soul; it solders to it. But when he discovers there is a parallel universe where his wife may have a twin, he feels there’s hope and sets about bringing her to his world, so he can have her back.

But Ilsa Ulfr of our world is married to the parallel universe’s twin, Pol, who is not a good man. Not in any way. She’s on the run from him, and the last thing she wants is to be transported to a fantastical world and be forced to take his side as his wife, even if he is not Pol. And Apollo finds the broken Ilsa nothing like his beloved, and further wants nothing to do with her. But darkness is looming, and evil is amassing. Apollo must protect his land and keep his family safe, including the new Ilsa.

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3 thoughts on “Broken Dove (Fantasyland)

  1. 4.5 Broken Dove Stars I am loving this series so freaking hard, though that being said it’s not that I didn’t like this book because I really did I just found it to be a little long winded, no that, that is or can be a bad thing. Just that I had wished the story would have progressed faster than it did. 

  2. Frustrating Hero Alert I can’t remember when I’ve read such an unevenly written series as Fantasyland. Books 1 and 3 (Wildest Dreams and Fantastical) were very frustrating with heroines in their 30’s who sounded and acted half their ages. Golden Dynasty was a strong, original story and Broken Dove is okay. 

  3. The best villainous plot of the series so far! I have been hoarding this book for quite a while, keeping it in reserve for when I got into a dreaded reading slump. It’s not easy when you know you have an unread Kristen Ashley book, but its also a bit comforting to know that you have something waiting in the wings that you are almost guaranteed to love. Luckily I haven’t had one of those really bad reading slumps this year, so I was able to move forward with this one in prep for the release of Midnight Soul (on the blog Aug. 15th)…

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