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Caught in the crosshairs of a deadly standoff, Detective Michael Bennett must kill…or be killed.

Snow blankets the avenues of Manhattan’s exclusive Upper West Side. The storm is the perfect cover for a fashionable, highly trained team of lethal assassins as they prowl the streets, hunting their prey. But their first hit is simply target practice. Their next mission may very well turn the Cold War red hot once again.

Stepping directly into the line of fire, the president of the United States is in New York for a summit at the United Nations with his Russian counterpart. Pulled away from his family and pressed into service, Detective Michael Bennett must trace the source of a threat that could rip the country apart – and ignite a war the likes of which the world has never seen. With allegiances constantly in doubt and no one above suspicion, only Bennett can save the president – and the country – before the assassins’ deadly kill shot hits its mark.

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3 thoughts on “Bullseye

  1. Lots of suspense! I read this book in one day! There was no way that I could put it down. Filled with action and suspense, I felt like I was along for the ride with Bennett!I feel badly for Mary Catherine because she gets so little time with Michael. Same with the 10 kids. At least this time we got to know Brian Bennett better.Well written, smooth transitions, everything I love about a Patterson book.

  2. “Bullseye;” Action-Adventure Featuring NYPD Detective Michael Bennett – Fast-Paced Collaboration Between Patterson & Ledwidge As a further aid to readers of this review, I’ve added a link at the bottom to a shorter story (144 pages) featuring Michael Bennett. 

  3. objective correlatives Torn between an honest 3-star review and real affection for the Bennett family, I caved to sentiment. Now all of the Bennett novels require a healthy chunk of “willing suspension of disbelief,” but what ties the iffy plots to the real world are all the specifics — the roads, highways, beach communities, summer cabins on lakes, subway lines. Both the plots and the authors’ penchant for making Bennett walk on water need that concrete reality (to say nothing of 10 kids from NYC’s…

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