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CD: Seth’s Overview of the Seth Material: From an Audiotape Made by Robert F. Butts, Jane Roberts and Seth on April 29, 1970

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CD: Seth’s Overview of the Seth Material
From an audiotape made by Robert F. Butts, Jane Roberts and Seth on April 29, 1970/
The previously unpublished session and Rob’s background notes about the session are included with the CD.
Length: 42 Minutes

A German translation is available to interested parties

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1 thought on “CD: Seth’s Overview of the Seth Material: From an Audiotape Made by Robert F. Butts, Jane Roberts and Seth on April 29, 1970

  1. A special CD. It is quite wonderful, Catches the energy that flowed between Jane & Rob, and it may be the clearest sounding recording I have ever heard of Seth speaking. I highly recommend this CD.Thank you Mary for putting this together.Peace & Cheers,Lawrence Davidson

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