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Confronting a Rake: The Beaumonts, Book 1

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Devlin Beaumont’s liked being a rake. Whiskey, women, and fun, what more could a man want? All that ends with an unexpected title, three young wards, and a beautiful governess. If that wasn’t enough, there is the minor detail that someone is trying to kill him.

Rebecca Jones has to be ever mindful of society’s expectations. As the governess to three young girls, she must set an example, a requirement that is sorely tested with the arrival of the new Duke.

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3 thoughts on “Confronting a Rake: The Beaumonts, Book 1

  1. Proofreading nightmare The answer on ‘who did it’ was completely obvious when the character was introduced, however it was interesting (and a bit of a let-down) on how it was figured out and confronted. It was a quick and easy read, which is a good thing when life is complicated, however the grammar and spelling was atrocious. There was one word I actually had to think about for a while before I figured out what word it was supposed to be, as it wasn’t even close. “Deshelled” instead of…

  2. So so comment The story was predictable, but I still enjoyed it.However, the grammar, spelling and punctuation throughout the book was totally unsatisfactory. It was like it was written by a 10-year old.Amazon, you should do better when you put a book on your site.

  3. Needs total vetting and proofing I agree, this is a proofreading nightmare. Misspellings abound beginning with reigns for reins and axil for axle, on and on until I was totally distracted from the story. It is full of incomplete sentences, incomplete thoughts, with commas thrown haphazardly everywhere. The writing is poor and ideas are disjointed. Regency rules of conduct and conversation are discarded willy nilly, with modern usage inserted unthinkingly. Personalities are shallow and characters poorly drawn. H and h get…

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