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Corporate A$$

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Men. Lying, cheating bastards. All of them. I had a great boyfriend, a great job, and a promising future. Until the redheads started ruining everything. In an instant, my life changed. My boyfriend cheated on me, I was forced to quit my job, and my father went and had a massive heart attack. Before he died, he left me something: His company, Winslow Wines. I was the newly appointed CEO of my family-owned business, which was in the midst of financial ruins until one man, who I met under awkward circumstances, stepped in and offered to save me. He was sexy, bold, rich, a womanizer, and your typical corporate ass. He wouldn’t take no for an answer and that was all I was willing to give, until I was faced with a problem. I fell for him. He was a game player and I was more than willing to play.


Women. Too complicated. Relationships. Too many expectations. No thanks. I didn’t have time for any complications in my life. My work and my company were my priorities and women were my hobby. Have sex, say goodbye, and never look back. Life couldn’t be simpler. Then I met Fiona Winslow. A beautiful, strong, independent, sassy, and always-telling-me-no kind of woman. I thrived on being in control and she was uncontrollable. I had met my match.

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3 thoughts on “Corporate A$$

  1. Beyond awful I don’t know who wrote the five star reviews but. .. seriously???This book was awful – just awful. I couldn’t finish it first time round, it was so wooden, one-dimensional and unimaginative. But I forced myself to go back to it in a desperate hope that it might improve after the first abysmal 15%. It did, marginally.Seriously, don’t waste your time reading, or trying to read, this book. You will only be disappointed.I think the cover art kinda says it all.

  2. Horrible Writing. Horrible Characters. No Imagination. I don’t know why I keep throwing away good money, hoping this author will write something worthwhile, only to be disappointed every single time. 

  3. Was this really by Sandi Lynn? This is my personal opinion of Corporate A$$. Wow. Sandi Lynn used to be a one-click buy for me (like I just did for this book). I have to say I am incredibly disappointed with this book, and it does not feel like a book this author would have written. It was very rushed and there was very little character development. For example, we were told that Fiona and her best friend were close. We were told that Fiona was mad with her dad. We were told – for the most part – that Fiona was good at her…

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