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She is being hunted.

Prey left defenseless.

She needs to hide.

They cannot find her.

They will kill her if they do.

When Lucy decided to run, she didn’t know where to go. They were coming for her. She needed protection, but she had no one to help her. Until she came across the warehouse of the Deathstalkers MC and begged them for protection. Now she owes them her life and her loyalty. Her family will never end their search for her; she is a piece of property that needs to be recovered at any cost necessary. For Lucy, there are worse things than needing to hide for the rest of her life, being found is one of those things.

Sometimes, the obvious evils aren’t the ones you need to fear.

Disclaimer: The book is not recommended to listeners sensitive to graphic depictions of violence. This book is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age.

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3 thoughts on “Corrupted

  1. Okay read Lucy escapes her religious cult family when they try to marry her off to an uncle at 14, and she finds refuge with a motorcycle club. Prospect Jordan is assigned to watch over her and, even though she’s only 14, there’s insta-lust on both sides. With her background, Lucy’s integration into the club lifestyle could have been a really interesting story, but the book quickly breezes over it in order to age her. So now she’s 18 and has been with the club for over three years, and she and Jordan are…

  2. Poor Lucy has been through hell in her short life Wow!! This is Alexis Noelle’s first MC book, and boy did she ever hit a home run her first time up at bat! This is Jordan aka “Whip” and Lucy’s story. It is raw, gritty, and at times downright disturbing, so if you are looking for a story line filled with puppies and rainbows, this is NOT the book for you! 

  3. Who is actually guilty of corrupting the innocent? While being a raw, gritty, violent and erotic story, this story presents themes of hypocrisy and no one group is either all good or all evil. It also reflects on the fate of women in closed societies. You will notice interesting ironies that Lucy’s innocence is respected and protected until she’s of age by the notorious MC. And when she comes of age, she is not forced to do anything she does not wish to do. 

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