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Cross My Heart (Alex Cross)

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James Patterson raises the stakes to their highest level, ever-when Alex Cross becomes the obsession of a genius of menace set on proving that he is the greatest mind in the history of crime.

Detective Alex Cross is a family man at heart–nothing matters more to him than his children, his grandmother, and his wife Bree. His love of his family is his anchor, and gives him the strength to confront evil in his work. One man knows this deeply, and uses Alex’s strength as a weapon against him in the most unsettling and unexpected novel of James Patterson’s career.

When the ones Cross loves are in danger, he will do anything to protect them. If he does anything to protect them, they will die.

CROSS MY HEART is the most powerful Alex Cross novel ever, propelled by the ever-ingenious mind of James Patterson, the world’s #1 bestselling writer.

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2 thoughts on “Cross My Heart (Alex Cross)

  1. I haven’t Given Up on Alex Cross but I may give up on James Patterson. In the Authors notes at the end of this 450 page short story, James Patterson asks his readers not go give up on Alex Cross. If Patterson has to make plea to his loyal fans he already knows he hasn’t given his fans what we have come to expect. I except that tragedy in life happens to good people Patterson asks his fans to believe and accept we are needing to have faith in the human spirit to pull us through a difficult or life changing event. He shouldn’t have to tell us to keep the faith…

  2. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK What a crappy way to sell books. Unless you are willing to pay for TWO BOOKS, don’t buy this book. It has no ending. After 400 plus pages, the reader is left hanging and told that they have to buy the second book when it becomes available to know how the first book ends!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe that James Patterson would do such a thing to his loyal cadre of readers. Last Patterson book that his disappointed fan will buy!!!

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