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Crow: Boston Underworld, Book 1

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An Irish mobster. A missing friend. Two loyalties, ripping me apart.

I had a plan.

Get in, get my information, and get out. Easy, right?

Turns out, infiltrating the Irish mafia isn’t exactly what I thought it would be. I just wanted a soldier. Someone I could flirt with to get me in the door.

That’s when Lachlan Crow noticed me. Problem was, he wasn’t a soldier. No, he was next in line for the throne of the Irish underworld. And he was determined to hate me from the outset. My sob story about needing a job? Yeah, he wasn’t buying that either.

Too bad for him, I won’t let anyone get in the way of my mission.

Who cares if we have some kind of crazy chemistry? He’s the worst kind of wrong – and I would never in a million years be with a guy like him.

Because they took her from me, and I’m going to make them pay.

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3 thoughts on “Crow: Boston Underworld, Book 1

  1. I love Mackenzie and Lachlan–they’re well-written and have depth from the … Mackenzie doesn’t have many people in her life, but she’s fiercely loyal to the ones she does have. One has gone missing and law enforcement is doing little about it. Now, finding her friend is up to her and she’ll do anything, including risking her life by infiltrating the Irish mob, to succeed. Lachlan’s life is devoted to the MacKenna Syndicate, which he plans to lead one day, and he’s more than willing to make the necessary sacrifices. Mackenzie discovers implementing her plan is more…

  2. ***Reading Slump No More*** ACTUAL RATING: 4.5 STARS 

  3. It was worth it I loved this story. I read it in one sitting, I stayed up way too late to finish it and even this morning, tired, it was worth it. The pacing was good and the characters were interesting. I love jealous, possessive and faithful alpha characters and the hero was. The heroine was appealing to me as well. She was not a meek doormat but a women with a good self esteem despite a difficult childhood. Loyal to those few she loves she goes undercover in order to find out what happened to a good…

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