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Crown of Lies: Truth and Lies Duet, Book 1

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Noelle Charlston lives a fairy-tale life: a doting father, a powerful job, and a future blessed with financial security.

However, two meetings with two men changes her happy existence forever. First, she meets the man who makes her heart sing. Three years later, she meets the man who makes her blood quiver.

Broken-hearted from a teenage romance, Noelle’s freedom is no longer hers. It belongs to the stranger her father believes is her perfect match. The stranger who pulls his lies over everyone he touches.

Including her.

Seduced and manipulated, Noelle gives into the mysterious Penn Everett. The lies he spins, the truth he hides, the mystery he weaves – it’s all enough to slowly erode the woman she is and turn her into something else.

Until her past collides with her present.

And it’s her turn to lie.

To everyone…including herself.

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3 thoughts on “Crown of Lies: Truth and Lies Duet, Book 1

  1. Pure Pepper Winters Brilliance! Crown of Lies is the latest release by Pepper Winters. 

  2. 4.5 juicy, twisty stars If you’re looking for a book that is going to make you question everything and everyone, this is the book from you.Pepper Winters tells a story that pulls her readers into it, she weaves a tale so fantastic that you feel like you’re living it. Crown of Lies, is HOT, steamy and fits into that grey area of romance.

  3. LIES LIES and more LIES… WOW – as usually Pepper never disappoints!! I found myself not able to put my kindle down for more than a few minutes. This story is intriguingly mysterious. Elle is trapped in a bubble of sorts – somewhat of her fathers making and somewhat of her own. She is being groomed to take over the family business, she doesn’t have a life outside the store, she has no real friends and on her 19th Birthday decides she wants to see how the others her age truly live. She sets out on her own, the night…

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