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Devil in Spring (The Ravenels)

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New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas combines the worlds of the Wallflowers with Marrying Winterborne in this irresistible story of how Sebastian’s son Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, meets his match in the eccentric and headstrong Lady Pandora.

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3 thoughts on “Devil in Spring (The Ravenels)

  1. Not a re-release as mentioned below in an earlier review. Someone said below that this is a re-release. That person very obviously didn’t read the book. It’s a brand new novel.

  2. Adorable It was a perfect book and fix together two series. I loved Helen’s story and enjoyed Pandora’s. It was funny and excellent. And the climax was cool. Wonderful.

  3. Too much of Manic Pixie Dream Girl heroine I found myself finding–and disliking– the heroine’s characterization as a that of a Manic Pixie Dream girl. I generally don’t have a problem with Kleypas’s quirky heroines (Beatrice and Poppy Hathaway come to mind), but for some reason the heroine just seem to me a distillation of all the bad tropes involving the MPDG. It also didn’t help that she liked to spout opinions about women’s ownership of property and inequality while having done absolutely nothing to combat the injustice of it all…

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