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Dewitched (Witchless in Seattle)

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I, ex-witch Stevie Cartwright, do hereby solemnly swear to avoid future murder-mystery shenanigans, nosiness, tomfoolery, and any further crazy killer-inflicted pain to my person, so help me goddess . . . Ha! Like I could help myself? But after busting my butt (literally!) on the last murder case in my beloved hometown of Ebenezer Falls, Washington, I could use a nice long break. I was determined to take the time to enjoy the company of my bat familiar, Belfry; my British ex-spy ghost, Win; our adorable St. Bernard rescue, Whiskey; and of course our gorgeous home, Mayhem Manor, freshly and lovingly renovated. Until shazam-a dead man invites himself to our fancy housewarming party! When my mother’s husband number five ends up deep-sixed in my parlor, it’s not like I can’t not try to solve this mystery, right? But our work is definitely cut out for us this time. With Belfry’s rascally bat family visiting and the two hundred or so guests, acrobats, mimes, cooks, catering staff, orchestra members-and a surprise guest who throws me for a loop in the house-suspects sure aren’t a problem.

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3 thoughts on “Dewitched (Witchless in Seattle)

  1. Just when you think you know where the plot is going… ….there’s a curveball headed right atcha! I love this newest series of Dakota’s! It’s feisty, tender, sweet, frustrating, scary, and wonderful! I have never been a fan of bats, but I would love to meet Belfry! This is the third book in the “Witchless in Seattle” series and already I am salivating for #4 due out later this summer! All I can say in conclusion is: WOW!!!

  2. My Favorite Witchless in Seattle – So Far!! Welcome back to Ebenezer Falls! Come join Stevie, Win, Belfry, and Whiskey in their House Warming Party! Everyone will be there! Including Belfry’s entire family, Stevie’s momster, and surprise! surprise!, her FATHER! Join in the action as once again Stevie uses her gut instinct and Win’s help to solve a murder. This is my favorite so far in the Witchless in Seattle Mysteries series!! Read them all!!

  3. A fun read but crappy cliff hangers. This is a ripping good yarn, the only thing I really object to is Ms. Cassidy seems to feel that she has to insert a “cliff hanger” at the end that has darned little to do with the character’s next adventure. I mean in the previous book she dramatically announced that the ghost of Winterbottom was murdered – then has little to say about it in this book. Also she has seemingly done it again in his book – Ms Cassidy’s books are well written is there really a need for a hook to the next…

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