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Don’t Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions

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Life has a way of provoking us with traffic jams and computer malfunctions, with emotionally distant partners and crying children—and before we know it, we’re upset. We feel terrible, and then we end up saying and doing things that only make matters worse. But it doesn’t have to be that way, says Pema Chödrön. It is possible to relate constructively to the inevitable shocks, losses, and frustrations of life so that we can find true happiness. The key, Pema explains, is not biting the “hook” of our habitual responses. In this recorded weekend retreat, Pema draws on Buddhist teachings from The Way of the Bodhisattva to reveal how we can:

   • stay centered in the midst of difficulty
   • improve stressful relationships
   • step out of the downward spiral of self-hatred

   • awaken compassion for ourselves and others

3 CDs, 3 hours

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3 thoughts on “Don’t Bite the Hook: Finding Freedom from Anger, Resentment, and Other Destructive Emotions

  1. Enjoy some time with wonderful Pema 4+ This is a seemingly extemporaneous western commentary (in front of an audience) on the 1st 51 verses of Shantideva’s 8th c. . It complements Pema’s recent book & (probably, since I haven’t heard it…

  2. Something wonderful is happening in the West! -This book represents something wonderful happening with Eastern spirituality during its exile. Gradually, teachers are finding ways to communicate deep spiritual concepts, in a way that Westerners can really understand and find the “juice”. This CD deals with a fundamental Buddhist concept, “attachment”. I’ve been aware of this term for many years, but it didn’t really mean much to me at all.-Buddhists are supposed to eliminate their “attachments”, but what does this mean? Should you…

  3. Some of Pema’s best work! I have read numerous titles of Pema Chodron and this is some of her most succint and insightful work yet. Her interpretations of Shantideva’s poem are accessible and applicable to anyone’s life regardless of your religion or lack thereof. She has the ability to tap into all the the “hooks” that catch us and make us want to fuel the fire of our own anger, irritation etc. She illuminates the road to walk away from those reactions and explains how to not engage with those thoughts even though…

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